Friday, March 28, 2008

My Acceptance Speech

First, and foremost, I would like to express my gratitude to Tim. After weeks of pleading for a chance to win, he finally saw it fit to grant me my wish. At first, I joked about winning a chance to try again, but the humour wore off quite quickly. It took a lot of coffees, and a lot of trips to the bathroom, but after 3 weeks of buying a coffee almost every single day, I rolled up the rim and saw not "PLEASE TRY AGAIN/SVP ESSAYER ENCORE", but "WIN/GAGNE UN BEIGNE/DONUT"! Mr. Horton: you may have been an alright hockey player, but you are a champion in my books.

On another note, I wonder how he would feel about having donut holes names after him? Bits of Tim? I am not sure how I would like to be remembered: pieces of Karen? I might be uncomfortable with that. I would just like to say that the "widow dip" was a tremendous commemorative gesture wasn't it, Krista? Next September we should eat Timbits afterwards with our hot chocolate/tea. It sounds almost sacramental....

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Goofy Smiles

This morning on the bus, I noticed a woman with an incredibly goofy smile on her face while and in between checking her phone for text messages. It was the kind of smile that can only be brought on by a "boy". It made me smile right back (it is really contagious) and think of all of the times I find myself curling the corners of my mouth in a rather goofy smile.

1. When I get a flirty text message (preferably from a boy-- sorry, Krista.)

2. When I smell fresh baking, a BBQ, or just about anything foodish.

3. When I see a toddler trying to run, swaggering and stomping their feet.

4. When I catch myself having done something rather clumsy and foolish and I figure that no one caught me.

5. Just about any song on my ipod, especially a Jimmy Buffet song about a smart woman in real short skirt.

6. Bubbles and balloons.

7. Cookies. Duh.

8. When I remember something funny or sweet. Usually something said to me (my love language), or done for me (my secondary love language).

9. When I finally get the punch line to a joke.

Oh, there are probably a gazillion reasons why I would smile goofy and slightly mischievious... I am always thinking of something.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Things that I Have Learned This Week

1. The act of potting plants takes about 10-20 minutes. THINKING about potting the plants, can take much longer.

2. Sometimes the transplant is not successful and the new pot rejects the plant. This made me very sad.

3. Sometimes being a designated driver means that one can end up with jiffy marker "henna" on their right hand while driving said drunk home.

4. Permanent marker means it is hard to completely wash off one's hand, but it can still transfer to the face while sleeping.

5. Designated drivers can look like they are recovering from a rowdy drinking binge, even after staying quite sober all evening.

6. Craigslist is AWESOME.