Monday, June 11, 2007

I Karened this blog

Blog. I just looked it up on, because I was curious about how many of these post-modern terms are recognised by the literary powers that be. Of course a web-based dictionary would have a suitable definition.

Blog (blŏg) Pronunciation Key n. A weblog. intr.v. blogged, blog·ging, blogs To write entries in, add material to, or maintain a weblog. [(we)blog.] blog·ger n.
1998, short for weblog (which is attested from 1994, though not in the sense 'online journal'), from (World Wide) Web + log. Joe Bloggs (c.1969) was British slang for "any hypothetical person" (cf. U.S. equivalent Joe Blow).

Even "Google" has a definition after infiltrating our common language with web-based terminology. It is a new day when proper names and nouns become abnormal verbs. An Ab-verb, if you will.

Goo·gle (gōō'gəl) Pronunciation Key A trademark used for an Internet search engine. This trademark often occurs in print as a verb, sometimes in lowercase: "A high school English teacher ... recently Googled a phrase in one student's paper and found it had been taken from a sample essay of an online editing service" (Chris Berdik).

Blog you! Kiss my blog! Yo momma is a blog. Could you pass the blog? This needs some more blog. You could use a really good blogging. My blog is broken. I like big blogs, and I cannot lie....

I am really impressed with this new uber-social tool. On a blog, people who SHOULD write are finally published, and people who SHOULDN'T can keep their day jobs. On a blog, peoples' creativity is released (some to the dogs, some to the grand masses) and one writes with the purest desire to share their thoughts out of their own free will (No more pencils, no more books, no more teachers...). On a blog, modesty, humility, and privacy is shed. I love this blog concept. At first, I saw it as a burden to find things of interest to write about, now, I lie awake thinking about all the things that I wish to impart to all you grasshoppers!

Now that I have joined the ranks of bloggers (look at that usage of a proper noun!), I am officially inducted into the world of web-expression. This new outlet of mine will house the thoughts that once were wasted on only a select few and now broadcast them to the WORLD! Muah-hahahahahaha. And THAT is what we are doing tonight, Pinky.


KPetrie said...

Let me be the first to comment on your blog! Yay! Can't wait to see what you have in store for the world! :-)

Hillary said...

Ah, yes, the blog has officially made its way into public usage. But did you see what happens when you use BLOGGER's spell check? No? Ah, let me enlighten you.

B-L-O-G-G-E-R, one of the most popular (THE most popular?) blog hosting sites, DOES NOT KNOW THE WORD BLOG. Go ahead. Spell check that bad boy. It comes back as an error. Riiight.

Hillary said...

Aaaand, this is where I eat my words. Apparently enough people told blogger that they're idiots and they've added "blog" to their dictionary. Shows you how often I spell check my posts.

Welcome to the blogoshpere! At long last, yet another place I can harass you.


Chris Priebe said...

I am posting simply because I can. I have nothing to say only I want to make sure Karen knows I was here. So make the lights on here I was.

Faye said...

Well, well, my girl has joined the many Bloggers to reach out and touch us....way to go Karrie!
Like Chris, I just wanted to let you know I was here :)

Cory Priebe said...

And so am I! I do rather like the term "blog"...there is something just so robust about it. Almost reminds me a bulky something in either the sky or on the ground.

In tha dawg house said...

I always thought blog sounded like a body function that was performed after consuming too much haggis and Guiness.