Wednesday, August 1, 2007


I just shattered a Corell plate at work. Aren't those supposed to be unbreakable?

It is an alarming trend.

I have put together a list of things that I need:

- A pocket-sized broom
- A plastic set of dishes
- Crazy glue (either for my hands as Hillary suggested, or to repair the less-shattered things)
- A lesson or two on (un)break dancing
- A Kit-Kat
- 15 mins
- A jar of vitamins
- A rubber room
- A sign from the back of a bus: "Thanks for the Brake"
- A roll of "Fragile" stickers
- A new jar of Chili sauce (actually, I think I am done with the chili sauce for a while)
- A "mocha swirl" martini glass from Pier 1 Imports
- A night light
- A puppy


Faye said...

LOL!! Yes, when those Corelle dishes break, they shatter and fly all over the place. I'm thinking I can possibly manage to get you somethings that are on that list...

KPetrie said...

Heh..what do ya need the puppy for?? Something to blame your accidents on? hehe

Faye said...

Hey Karen,
A quick you have a tattoo on your left arm? Looks like it in the pic of you with the paddle.....just curious, cuz I can't make out exactly what it is.

Kaz said...

I guess you will find out when you come and visit... ;-)