Monday, July 23, 2007

You Know What They Say About Good Intentions...

So I was reading my book tonight. One of them. I have several on the go at the moment. It's called "Why I Hate Canadians" by Will Ferguson which is a tongue and cheek look at one devoutly patriotic man's disillusionment of our beloved country's reputation. He likens the title to naming the book "Why I Hate Bambi's Mother". Don't get me wrong, here. I love our country and I am sure that Bambi's mother was a good and kind doe. Anyways. I read this little paragraph and laughed out loud. Without further ado:

"....And we are brimming with potential energy....Potential energy exists in springs compressed, in rocks poised at the edge of a cliff, and even in someone slouched in front of a television set who intends to get up and do something. They all contain potential energy. Whether anything comes from it is another thing entirely.
"Being described as having "potential" is the booby prize of compliments. It's like being told you're a lousy poet but you have good penmanship. It doesn't stir the blood. Dreams deferred to a later date never do.
"What an impotent battle cry: Rah Rah Canada! We could probably do a lot more if we really tried!
"....At times it seems Canada has the potential energy not of a spring, nor a body at rest, but of a boulder at the edge of a cliff. And the best we can hope for is that the ledge doesn't crumble too quickly."

*chuckle here*

The book only gets better. If you like wit and want to hear a different perspective on being Canadian, then I would recommend it. There are also many other good books that I have half read that I could recommend. I even finished one that was so good that I couldn't set it down. I was also confined to an armchair for two months, so it was much easier to sit still long enough to finish it. What else was I going to do? Crochet? That was around the same time that I tried to teach myself to crochet. Again. I made my sister a "scarf" for Christmas. I gave it to her in a gift bag and said, "OK, now give it back. It's not done yet." To which she replies, "So, this is the gift that I will never see again?" I think it is tucked away in my closet. In that same gift bag.

This brings me to the two big flat boxes lying on my living room floor. (How does she DO it?! From a book on "hating" Canadians to boxes on the floor?!) A couple of weeks ago, I spent a Friday night doing what most 'normal' single people do. I went for wine and dinner at Ikea with a friend. I was on a mission for some storage solutions for my little home. Wouldn't you know it? The 'As-Is' section came through for me again! The headboard which I have been ogling was 57% off! We wrestled and wrangled the awkward boxes into the back of his brand-spanking-new Mazda Speed-- and I could just see the sweat forming on his brow as he considered how we were going to tie the hatch closed!

We brought them to my place, cleared a spot on my living room floor, and laid them to rest. They are very flat and very heavy. I intend to take a whole day sometime 'soon' to assemble this brilliant solution for my bedroom, but it must be the WHOLE. DAY. Otherwise, I fear that I will have a semi-assembled headboard in my living room, and that would not be as easy to walk around as it is to simply walk on and over the boxes.

I wonder if I can attribute my squirrel-like attention span to an adult-like ADD? Maybe I watched too much TV as a kid. Maybe I have some potential energy like a wound up Jack Russell that needs to be released from its kennel after hours of watching other dogs running and playing in a large park near a sausage factory. I digress, and conclude....

.....They stay in the box.

Karen's Book List:

Red, White, and Drunk All Over by Natalie McLean (Finished)
Bacchus and Me by Jay McInnerney (2nd chapter)
Blue Like Jazz (Intro)
Night by Elie Wiesel (Finished)
Why I Hate Canadians (2nd or 3rd chapter)


KPetrie said...

I have a feeling that we will be using those carboard boxes for a coffee table, surfboard, step stool, walls to a fort..anything before they become a headboard! hehe

KPetrie said...

Oh..I also think that I might be receiving an invite over for dinner..if I bring my tool box..haha

Kaz said...

You don't have to bring your tool box. I have one. ;-)

Faye said...

Wow....I'm impressed that the two boxes made it from the store into that small car and then into you tiny home...yes, it sounds like the best investment serves SO many purposes. I'm hoping that it actually reaches the headboard stage by the time we get there to visit :)You are now on a deadline...we'll be in Ft. Langley on about Aug. 8th. :)