Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Lil' Country Girl in a Big 'Ol City

Day 2

Prologue (cuz some 'splainin is needed):

In December, my face broke out something fierce. Yes, at 28 I found myself battling an upward unrelenting battle with acne. Blame it on the stress, environmental factor, or maybe stupid 'ol hormones... either way it was getting harder and harder to cover up. I tried a skin care product recommended by a friend (it worked great for her!) but it aggravated my skin even more. Finally I went to my doctor and said uncle about the whole situation. He stuck a prescription for two creams in my relinquished hands. I was advised that I would experience a little redness and a slight burning sensation immediately following application-- no problem. Oh, and it would dry my skin out and might peel a little-- no problem. NO PROBLEM. But after two days, the peeling was out of control, the redness was accompanied with a little swelling, and the burning! The stinging! OH MY GAWD. Monday night, I applied the night time gel and with a shriek I promptly washed it off. Like acid. My poor face. My poor INSANE face (THANKS, Sarah...!).

On with it...

So this morning, I gingerly washed my burning face and sucked back the tears as I tried to apply makeup to cover up the redness. It felt so good to walk outside in the cold. Oh yes. And it snowed. A lot. And it was still snowing. I didn't have my boots with me so I walked to the bus stop in my little loafers. By the time I boarded GBD's (Grumpy Bus Driver's) bus my hair was soaked and a mess, With a flourish, I showed him my new-found skill of inserting my bus ticket into the reader/stamper thing.

His bus was so hot, I wanted to cry. But no. I decided that I would smile. Did you see that? That was a smile. Did you miss it? Here, let me smile again for you.

GBD was in fine form today. I guess the snow added to his standard grumpiness. At one point, he opened his door to give someone the finger and he colourfully gave the unsuspecting driver feedback on his left-hand turning skills.

On my way to the nearest coffee shop (and I had the pick of three, so I chose the one with the shortest line), I learned the importance of keeping away from the curb (common sense maybe, but sometimes a little reminder of HOW deep those slush puddles get helps). Oh, and on the corner we have our very own fatalistic-sandwich-board-toting-conspiracy-theory-chicken little. He is concerned about the CIA stealing his mind and he is beseeching assistance from the general public of the downtown Vancouver core.

After work (Left to the bus stop), I made it back, popped an antihistamine, took a puff from my inhaler, and curled up on the bed with the cats.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Lil' Country Girl in a Big 'Ol City

Day 1

I survived my first experience of commuting into downtown Vancouver. What for? For my *new* job, of course!

The day started off being introduced to GBD (Grumpy Bus Driver). I couldn't figure out which way to insert the fare ticket into the reader/stamper thing. After a couple of tries, the driver says, "NO. follow the picture!". So I try again. And again. And, ever so irritated, he says, "There are only two ways it could go in." (Four, actually). Flustered, I say desperately, "I'm SORRY!!! I'm trying!!" Finally, I get it and I make it to the back with the standing commuter hostages and grab a pole. Hmmmm... Dancing was the farthest thing from my mind... but I will surely think of it tomorrow now that it just came to me.

I got a little turned around once I got off the bus. I walked one way for a few minutes, and then turned and walked the other direction until I saw something familiar but I forgot the address because I figured that I would recognize the building when I saw it. I *always* remember places after I have been there once before... but it became slightly different when I found that all of the buildings looked a lot like the others: Big, tall, and architecturally non-descript buildings.

I, no doubt, found a coffee place for my break. There are a lot of choices here! And after work, I had memorized the directions given to me by my co-workers. Right to buy bus tickets, and left to get to the bus stop, Right to buy bus tickets, and left to get to the bus stop, right.... to the bus stop? I walked left to buy the bus tickets. After a minute or two, I thought better of it and started in the other direction; I sheepishly ran into a co-worker. "I know, I know... RIGHT to buy the bus tickets."

I am more comfortable stopping people to ask for directions than they are at giving them. But, most of the people I stopped turned out to be tourists and no more lost than I. They were probably reciting in their heads, "Right at the Starbucks, Left at the pizza place...." and I messed them up.

By the time I got off the bus and stood at the cross walk, I wished I had a hat to fling in the air while I sang that I was "going to make it after all!"

(Oh yeah, and I like my job so far-- but it is not nearly as exciting as the adventures of commuting down town!)

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Three Tiers of Diapers

A Picture Story

Our dear friend Cory has a dinner roll in the oven so Chrissy and I decided to do something different for her baby shower: roll up some diapers and make a cake! Here is the picture story about our creation from ex-nihilo to three tiers of environmentally- unsound- landfill- bound- absorbent- garments.

Chrissy rolled the diapers.

I stuck them in the elastic. The bottle will make sure that the layers won't shift.

We rolled blankets to wrap around each layer as the "icing".

....And I mixed it all together....
(But we used the wooden spoon to hold the top layer on... Cory can also use the spoon next time she puts one of hers through the blender)

We found a duck that says a prayer as a cake topper. He needed a diaper so we gave him one.

The finished product!!!


Please, baby? One little kick???

A little caffeine will help.

There it is!!!!

The three and 8/9ths friends!


Wednesday, January 23, 2008

PS..... I Love You

I was going to go to see "27 Dresses" tonight. Every once in a while, I like to go on dates with myself. At first, I will admit, that wasn't the intention and I sought for someone to come with me. But I am so glad that I had this little date with myself.

In fact, I didn't go to see "27 Dresses"-- I saw "PS. I Love You" instead. *sigh* I should have known to bring a big box of tissue because I ran out of napkins from my poutine half way through and my sleeve was getting pretty disgusting.

I walked into the theater for the late show and it was empty. I actually laughed out loud, feeling slightly loser-ish. I had the pick of the theater for a seat. A couple people trickled in before the movie started, and wouldn't you know it: these three girls come in just as the movie was starting and sat. right. behind. me. This would have been okay if they weren't occasionally kicking my seat, talking really loudly, sucking on candy loudly, and THEN. Oh MY gosh, one girl's phone rings-- and she ANSWERS IT.

"hey.... how are you?.... I'm just in a movie right now....yeah....Really?! She said that?....."

ARGH. Having a personal moment here with my poutine, soggy sleeve, and BASEBALL BAT.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Singing (loudly) Anyway

I rediscovered a favourite way of regrouping: turning up the radio in my car and singing at the top of my lungs and sometimes --if the music moves me to do so, bust a move or two.

It clears my head.

Yesterday I needed some good head clearing, so I had a slightly embarrassing session of yelling the lyrics to some 80's song. I don't even remember which song it was, and likely couldn't remember half the lyrics, but dang, it felt supah good.

Why hang your head, when you can let your hair down and shake it?!

Just a rhetoric question (I think I know the answer to it): Why do hurting people hurt people? I won't deny my own guilt (having been no stranger to pain, myself), but when I was ready to wave the white flag, the hammer got dropped on my foot. I hate being misunderstood, and accused for things that I never had a chance to do or not do.

Bottom line: Regardless of how long I was married and whatever struggles we had, we had a life planned together. We loved each other deeply. His heart weighed a solid 490g and he gave it to me on May 14, 2005. We vowed to follow each other to the ends of the earth. That just happened to be sooner than we had expected. I don't care anymore whether my in-laws supported the marriage or not (apparently they didn't), and I won't try to defend myself any longer. I give up. And I pray God's blessings on them. And I offer nothing but forgiveness.

Romans 12:14-21
14Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. 15Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. 16Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position.[c] Do not be conceited.

17Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody. 18If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. 19Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay,"[d]says the Lord. 20On the contrary:
"If your enemy is hungry, feed him;
if he is thirsty, give him something to drink.
In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head."[e] 21Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

Now, all of that aside. I am going over to my stereo to gonna bust several moves and raise my voice:

POUR SOME SUGAR ON ME.....!!!!! C'mon fire me up!!!!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Suggestions Schmuggeschtions...

So Gmail is a web-based email provider that you can only have if you get an invitation from a current user. Quite elite, eh? So I am a member of the unlimited sized inbox club, which means that I never have to clean up my inbox. It's kind of like my closet.

Anyways, I am introducing Gmail (TA-DAH!) to explain a feature that daily baffles me. It picks up on certain words in my emails, and using a suggestive advertising marketing approach (see? I am learning stuff) it lists some web site suggestions. I get most of these-- they make sense... but SOME... seriously? What have I been SAYING?

These ones I get:

Dragon Boat Net - www.dragonboatnet.com - The ultimate web site for paddlers New Movie: When the Dragons sleep DUH.

Hawaii Airfares Sale - www.CheapoAir.com - Very Cheap Tickets to Hawaii Save 65% on Next Trip, All Airlines If you know that I went to Maui on my last vacation, then this one makes sense.

Sofa Slipcovers - www.TheSofaSite.com - Free Sofa Slipcovers info Find what you're looking for!
Not sure about which email this one came from, but I am a furniture geek.

Baby Gender: Boy or Girl? - www.choosethesexofyourbaby.com - Conceive a Baby Boy or Girl at Will in 3 Simple Steps with 94% Accuracy I have pregnant friends, OK?

Red Lion Hotel - www.redlion.com - Don't Miss This Red Hot Deal! Stay At Red Lion Hotel & get 15% off! My FAVOURITE US hotel chain. They have Bath and Body Works toiletries!!!

Apple pie recipe - www.canadianliving.com/recipes - Tested Till Perfect recipes Fast, easy and delicious! Angela, you will understand this one. We like apple pie, don't we?

These ones, I really don't get:

Photos: That's in my Gut? - www.BlessedHerbs.com - This site guarantees to remove really gross stuff from your gut. I only eat pretty stuff. Right.

Blackheads Removal Guide - Blackheads-Removal-Guide-web.com - Get Rid of Blackheads and Have Shiny Healthy Skin OK, OK, my skin isn't as clear as it could be... Let's not make a big deal about it. (Maybe it is from the stuff that is or isn't in my gut?)

www.DateACougar.com - Female Cougars On The Prowl. 100% Free. Join Now

www.peterpotty.com - The only flushable toddler urinal. Easiest way to train boys!
This one and the one above wouldn't have anything to do with the little boy who feeds me brownies, would it?

Funny Redhead Tee Shirts - www.realmofredheads.com/store - Funny, sassy t-shirts for redheads. Cool unique gift for any redhead. Hello! Cute brunette, here.

The Answer For Tall Girls - www.longlegs.ca - In Style Fashions For Tall Women The Latest Trends In Longer Lengths *Ahem* Cute, short, brunette.

Debbie Does Dalls tees - 80sTees.com - Check out great tees from classic Debbie Does Dallas!
No idea.

Free Fart Videos - AmazingFartVideos.com - 10 Farts That Shook The World Captured On Video! Really. Haven't a clue. (Krista, shush)

Update 01/18/08:

Dangerous Kissing Tips - DoubleYourDating.com - Powerful Kissing Tips To Make Him/Her Melt In Your Mouth & In Your Hands! I LOVE THIS ONE!!! Watch out!!!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Kissing the Boys and Making them Cry

Now that I am back in school, I am back to procrastinating doing my homework. I have some marketing reading to do, and some accounting to hit myself over the head with. Why, oh why, does it not BALANCE???

I have to tell you about the cute guy I met! He is blond, has blue eyes, is about 2 and a half feet tall, and at the ripe age of three. His name is Kade and he is my friend's youngest son. We really bonded in the summer at Ambleside, and I didn't realise how much of an impression I made on him, until I went over to his place for a game's night and he sat down beside me, put his arm around me, and said, "I missed you, you know!". He makes such a great date! He fed me his brownie, and gave me a kiss goodnight-- boys, take notes. Apparently, after I left, he cried. I have asked his parents if I can take him out on dates, and they (happy to get the kid off their hands for a few hours) agreed.

I am pleased to be his first crush! This little guy will break many hearts once he gets over the fact that I have a boyfriend. :-)

Saturday, January 5, 2008

New Years Goals: She shoots! She....

This is the year that Karen loses 30 lbs. And apparently talks about herself in the third person. So there. I said it. You can all hold me to it, and I can tell you my excuses of why I am not there yet. To actually help me stay accountable, I have a contest going with a couple of friends. Every time we lose a pound we drop a loonie into the jar and whoever has the highest percentage of weight loss after *blank* amount of time wins the pot. Starting Monday.

So yesterday I decided that my first shopping of the new year should reflect my resolve. So I filled my basket with fruits and vegetables. And soy milk. And two bars of dark chocolate. Hey, I need a reward. I found these little mini rice cakes with a little chocolate drizzled on it that would make great little snacks. AND it said in BIG. BOLD. LETTERS. that they are only 90 calories each little bag! Suffice it to say that this morning when I went to grab a snack, I noticed that there was only one left. Out of the 6 that were in the box. But they are only 90 calories each right?

I don't like to set resolutions... no one keeps them longer than a week, and it is unmeasureable. Immeasureable? Whatever. Gyms get their most business in January, so I don't really want to go to one until February when most people have broken their resolutions and are lamenting at home with a bucket of Ben and Jerry's. Or Light Ice Cream. Or 6 90 calorie bags of mini chocolate drizzled rice cakes.

I think goals set more of a target to shoot for. Like I want to read more. I want to get A's and B's in my classes-- oof! I want to drink 8 glasses of water a day-- so back to having a post-it by my monitor to count the glasses of water I drink. We know about the 30 lbs.... I should probably weigh myself sometime soon, but I don't keep a scale in my house. For obvious reasons. It is a household hazard. I used to always stub my toe on it. And my excersize ball! Don't get me started!

Most importantly, I want to get my life right with God. He gave me life-- twice. I owe him more than I can give him. This year I have been doing my own thing and it clearly hasn't sit right with me given my last few really deep and thoughtful posts.... So here we go!