Saturday, January 5, 2008

New Years Goals: She shoots! She....

This is the year that Karen loses 30 lbs. And apparently talks about herself in the third person. So there. I said it. You can all hold me to it, and I can tell you my excuses of why I am not there yet. To actually help me stay accountable, I have a contest going with a couple of friends. Every time we lose a pound we drop a loonie into the jar and whoever has the highest percentage of weight loss after *blank* amount of time wins the pot. Starting Monday.

So yesterday I decided that my first shopping of the new year should reflect my resolve. So I filled my basket with fruits and vegetables. And soy milk. And two bars of dark chocolate. Hey, I need a reward. I found these little mini rice cakes with a little chocolate drizzled on it that would make great little snacks. AND it said in BIG. BOLD. LETTERS. that they are only 90 calories each little bag! Suffice it to say that this morning when I went to grab a snack, I noticed that there was only one left. Out of the 6 that were in the box. But they are only 90 calories each right?

I don't like to set resolutions... no one keeps them longer than a week, and it is unmeasureable. Immeasureable? Whatever. Gyms get their most business in January, so I don't really want to go to one until February when most people have broken their resolutions and are lamenting at home with a bucket of Ben and Jerry's. Or Light Ice Cream. Or 6 90 calorie bags of mini chocolate drizzled rice cakes.

I think goals set more of a target to shoot for. Like I want to read more. I want to get A's and B's in my classes-- oof! I want to drink 8 glasses of water a day-- so back to having a post-it by my monitor to count the glasses of water I drink. We know about the 30 lbs.... I should probably weigh myself sometime soon, but I don't keep a scale in my house. For obvious reasons. It is a household hazard. I used to always stub my toe on it. And my excersize ball! Don't get me started!

Most importantly, I want to get my life right with God. He gave me life-- twice. I owe him more than I can give him. This year I have been doing my own thing and it clearly hasn't sit right with me given my last few really deep and thoughtful posts.... So here we go!


J&C said...

Love ya Karen! Praying for you! Keep us posted :)

Love Jim and Chrissy

KPetrie said...

You go girl! I'll be rootin' for ya..with my pizza in hand..hehehehe

Bonnie said...

Good on you Karen! Sure resolutions are usually next to impossible to keep, but hey... at least you're going to try. That's more than most people these days :) I loved this post. It made me smile... I love your writing. And your last listed resolution... well... let's just say it really got me thinking and I appreciate your honesty and hope that I can do the same. We do have an incredibly gracious God. If only I showed him more, just how much his grace means to me. How much HE means to me.
Anyway... I'm rambling now. But what I'm trying to say is, I will be praying for you and thank you for the challenge of striving to be a better me. :) Blessings my friend.

sarah cool said...

.... seriously.... what is a loonie???

Kaz said...

LOL!!!! YOU, Sarah! In Canada, loonies are $1 coins. Twonies are.... you guessed it, $2 coins!

sarah cool said...

............. Canadia. There's no place like it.


So, I watched The Queen (the movie) on Friday night, and got all interested and looked up Queen Elizabeth on wikipedia and CAN I TELL YOU? I didn't really know that you Canadians had a queen and that she also moonlights as the Queen of England.

Apparently my Canadia History was lacking in school.

Kaz said...

You're awesome! I loved that movie!

Clearly spelling was a difficult subject for you as well. But you can call us what you want. We have names for you guys as well...